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Centros y Servicios

The Civitan-Sparks Clinics provide evaluation and diagnostic services for developmental, behavioral, and genetic disorders. The Clinics use an effective multidisciplinary approach in which a team of specialists evaluates each child based on information provided through the intake form and telephone interviews. In addition to the services available at 930 20th Street South, which is our […]

Centros y Servicios

The virgin Islands University Center for Excellence in developmental Disabilities (VIUCEDD) was establisehed in October 1994 and is funded by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on developmental Disabilities and the United States Depoartment of Education, Office of National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research.

Centros y Servicios

El Instituto de Deficiencias en el Desarrollo (IDD) fue creado en noviembre de 1991 por virtud de la Ley Federal 101-496, conocida como Ley de Asistencia en Deficiencias en el Desarrollo y Carta de Derechos según enmendada por la Ley 106-402 el 30 de octubre de 2000. Con esta enmienda cambia el nombre de Programa […]

Centros y Servicios

The University of Guam Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service (Guam CEDDERS) serves as a training and technical assistance provider in the Pacific Basin region. It is the largest training, service, and technical assistance center at the University.From its inception in 1993, Guam CEDDERS has evolved into a dynamic organization that […]

Centros y Servicios

The Center for Human Development (CHD) is a University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities in Education, Research, and Service (UCEDDs) authorized by the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000. There are 67 UCEDDs, at least one in every state and territory, that form an Association of UCEDDs ( Since CHD […]

Centros y Servicios

The NMC UCEDD Program is committed to the development of culturally complimentary outcomes while promoting equal opportunity, independence, productivity, promoting self-determination, and supporting an improved quality of life for people with developmental disabilities in their villages, the Commonwealth, and the world around us.

Centros y Servicios

The University Center for Excellence on Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) is an interdisciplinary education, research and public service component of the American Samoa Community College that engages in the following core functions: 1. Interdisciplinary pre-service preparation and continuing education of students and fellows, which may include the preparation and continuing education of leadership, direct service, clinical […]

Centros y Servicios

The Center on Disability Studies (CDS) is a University of Hawai‘i Board of Regents recognized Center focused upon development and conduct of interdisciplinary education / training, research / demonstration and evaluation, and university and community service. CDS consists of several focused Centers and Programs that reflect the mission and vision of the Center on Disability […]

Centros y Servicios

Bienvenidos a la página electrónica en español del Centro Universitario para Servicios de Excelencia para las Personas con Discapacidades, University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (abr. UCEDD en inglés). La misión de este Centro es el de promover productividad, autodeterminación, independencia e inclusión de individuos con discapacidades a través del lapso de la vida […]

Centros y Servicios

The Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities is one of a national network of University Centers for Excellence (UCEDD) federally funded by the Administration on Developmental Disabilities. We are committed to helping people with developmental disabilities maximize their potential and enjoy success in community life.