El proyecto europeo New Paths to Inclusion Network ha abierto una convocatoria de mejores proyectos de inclusión de la comunidad en Europa. Nuestro objetivo es facilitar una sociedad inclusiva para todos y para aprender lo que se necesita para construir una mejor comunidad en la que todos los grupos puedan participar plenamente. Las mejores prácticas se publicarán en la página web de Inclusion Europe y en la próxima revista INCLUYEN 1/2013Call de buenos proyectos de inclusión de la comunidad en Europa
The European project New Paths to InclUsion Network has opened a call for best community inclusion projects in Europe. Our aim is to facilitate an inclusive society for all and to learn what it takes to build a better community in which all groups can fully participate. The best practices will be published on the website of Inclusion Europe and in the next journal INCLUDE 1/2013
About the project
The New Paths to InclUsion Network is a European Project – Leonardo da Vinci Thematic Network – with 20 partner organisations from 14 European countries and Canada. Our goal is an inclusive community in which all people can participate and support each other. We believe that professional support should be person centred and embedded in the community.
During the course of the project we will deliver and further develop an inclusive training course in person centred approaches in different countries. In addition to that we also want to develop a training course in Community Inclusion and Development as we think that this is one important key to inclusion. We recognize that there is still a structural barrier between service and community life and the possibility e.g. for disabled people to step in valued and contributing social roles within their communities. Workers who have been trained and worked within the cultural and structural boundaries of the disability service system need to learn how to develop connections into the community.
What we look for
We are now searching for social innovations and the best community inclusion projects in Europe to learn what it takes to build up a better community for all and to include formerly marginalized groups. The examples don’t have to come out necessarily from the disability field. We will document the best European community inclusion projects on our project website www.personcentredplanning.eu and the website of Inclusion Europe. We will make three so called sensing journeys, 2-3 days each, to three selected regions and projects with a group of 8-12 people from all over Europe during the next year to learn more about community inclusion.
You can nominate best community inclusion projects by filling out the recommendation form below and send it before 21 June 2013 to Dr. Stefan Doose by post: Steinrader Hauptstr. 16, D-23556 Lübeck, fax *49 451 8804744 or e-mail Stefan.doose@bbs-old.de.