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Centros y Servicios

The working together of Gaucher patient groups has already lead to consistency in treatment of certain manifestations of Gaucher Disease throughout Europe. Inspired by this and by their successes in achieving humanitarian aid for the most severe patients in Eastern Europe member countries of the EGA havegrasped the challenge of collaboration for the further advantage […]

Centros y Servicios

Asociación de bien público sin fines de lucro destinada a realizar una obra de interés general, con los siguientes propósitos: Ofrecer un lugar de reunión a sus asociados y facilitarles las condiciones generales de asistencia, información y apoyo referente a la enfermedad de Fabry. Proponer la divulgación, investigación y ayuda a los enfermos y sus […]

Centros y Servicios

L’ACADIP es l’Associació Catalana de Dèficits Immunitaris Primaris. Es va fundar el 28 de juny de 2008 i està registrada al Registre d’Associacions del Departament de Justícia de la Generalitat de Catalunya, amb el número d’ inscripció 37.778. L’àmbit d’actuació de l’ACADIP és principalment tot el territori de Catalunya. Actualment la nostra associació col·labora molt […]

Centros y Servicios

The European Federation of Immunological Societies (EFIS) is a non-profit umbrella organization that represents 31 immunological societies from all across Europe, and even beyond the borders to Israel. Every active member of any of our member societies is automatically considered an EFIS member and can as such benefit from our programs. Thus we represent more […]

Centros y Servicios

The European Society for immunodeficiency (ESID) is a non for profit association that was created in 1994. ESID has been striving to improve the knowledge in the field of Primary Immunodeficiency (PID) by encouraging research, developing educational programs and fostering cooperation among all those involved in the diagnosis, treatment and management of these diseases. ESID […]

Centros y Servicios

EFCNI is the first pan-European organisation and network to represent the interests of preterm and newborn infants and their families. It gathers together parents, healthcare experts from different disciplines and scientists with the common goal of improving long-term health of preterm and newborn children by ensuring the best possible prevention, treatment, care and support. Giving […]

Centros y Servicios

IPOPI, the International Patient Organisation for Primary Immunodeficiencies, is the Association of national patient organisations dedicated to improving awareness, access to early diagnosis and optimal treatments for primary immunodeficiency (PID) patients worldwide Established in 1992, IPOPI works as the global advocate for the PID patient community in cooperation with its National Member Organisations (NMOs) and […]

Centros y Servicios

Ayuda GC es una pequeña asociación que se autofinancia con cuotas y pequeñas donaciones.Como grupo de ayuda mutua (GAM) en granulomatosis. crónica, formamos parte de entidades de mayor tamaño: de AEDIPE (Asociación Española de Déficits Inmunitarios) y de FEDER (Federación Española de Enfermedades Raras). Ayuda GC se constituyó en Abril de 2000 en Barcelona (España) […]