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Centros y Servicios

Located in Baltimore, MD., Kennedy Krieger Institute is an internationally recognized institution dedicated to improving the lives of children and adolescents with pediatric developmental disabilities and disorders of the brain, spinal cord and musculoskeletal system, through patient care, special education, research, and professional training.

Centros y Servicios

The mission of the KIDDRC is to support high quality basic and applied research relevant to the causes and prevention of intellectual and developmental disabilities. We also support research aimed at the prevention and remediation of some of the many secondary conditions associated with intellectual and developmental disabilities, such as difficulty in language acquisition and […]

Centros y Servicios

The Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center (IDDRC) at Children’s National Medical Center conducts multidisciplinary, translational, clinical and community research in intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our goals are to develop a better understanding of the causes underlying these conditions, develop innovative therapies, and prevent or ameliorate them, thereby permitting each child to achieve his full […]

Centros y Servicios

The UCLA IDDRC is organized around the following themes Basic research into core causes of developmental disabilities. Basic research and translational research designed to lead to possible interventions to treat causes as well as improve quality of life for patient and family. Interact with clinical services to implement and translate basic research findings into clinical […]

Centros y Servicios

The UC Davis MIND Institute (Medical Investigation of Neurodevelopmental Disorders) is a collaborative international research center, committed to the awareness, understanding, prevention, care, and cures of neurodevelopmental disorders.

Centros y Servicios

La investigación en USC UCEDD se lleva a cabo como parte de algunos de nuestros proyectos al igual que publicaciones. Actualmente estamos llevando a cabo investigación en autismo, salud, seguridad de políticas/calidad, desigualdad racial/étnica, y transición. Elija por favor una de estas categorías en la izquierda para ver la investigación relacionada con estos campos. También […]

Centros y Servicios

Partners for Inclusive Communities (Partners) is Arkansas’ University Center on Disabilities. Administratively located within the University of Arkansas College of Education and Health Professions, Partners is a member of the nationwide Association of University Centers on Disabilities – AUCD.

Centros y Servicios

Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) Programs are graduate-level interdisciplinary leadership training programs federally funded through the Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) Maternal Child Health Bureau (MCHB). The purpose of The University of Arizona LEND (AZLEND) training program is to produce leaders and innovators in the field of autism and other neurodevelopmental and related disabilities […]

Centros y Servicios

The mission of the UAA Center for Human Development (CHD) is to improve the quality of lives for people who experience disabilities and their families, across the life span, through interdisciplinary training, technical assistance, exemplary service development, applied research and dissemination of information. The goals and activities of CHD are guided by the values of […]