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…Abstract Social change is built on paradigms and models. A paradigm needs an operational action model to successfully implement the paradigm, and an operational model needs a paradigm to give it credibility and content. This article describes the Quality of Life Supports Model (QOLSM) as a major pathway for applying the quality of life (QOL) […]
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…The decay in the proficiency of the native language (L1), known as first language attrition, is one of the least understood phenomena associated with the acquisition of a second language (L2). Indeed, the exact cause for the deterioration in L1 performance, be that either the interference from L2 acquisition or the less frequent use of […]
…The objective of this study is to assess the evidence about the demographic transformation of the Down Syndrome population, with a specific focus on prenatal testing, and to identify sources frequently used for demographic assessment of Down Syndrome in the world. We reviewed existing studies on demographic transformations in the population with Down Syndrome, specifically […]
…Grandparents who have grandchildren with disabilities are an underrepresented group in existing research related to the field. This qualitative phenomenological study’s general purpose is to analyze, from a personal perspective, the situations and needs of grandparents who have grandchildren with Down syndrome. The participants’ ages range from 65 to 85, and the ages of their […]
…Resumen:El objetivo de este estudio es conocer el análisis de los maestros de lo que para ellos significa enseñar desde un enfoque inclusivo y sobre las barreras y facilitadores existentes que condicionan la implementación de buenas prácticas para atender a la diversidad en las aulas. Para ello, se utilizó una metodología cualitativa; concretamente se realizaron […]
…La autodeterminación es uno de los constructos de mayor importancia para fomentar el bienestar y la autonomía de las personas con discapacidad intelectual, a quienes tradicionalmente se les ha negado la oportunidad de ser agentes causales de sus propias vidas. A pesar de la importancia de este tema, existe aún una gran escasez de herramientas […]