In writing this thesis I have tried to get beneath the clichés of disability imagery to reveal the social constructions, through cinematic processes, of images of physical impairment as disability. The thesis must be seen in the context of other writers who have done similar work on other marginalised groups within our society that are regularly portrayed on the cinema screen: gays, blacks, women and, to a lesser extent, the working-class. The construction of school of writers, using representation theory, who have over the last two decades revealed that which had previously been taken for granted – the ideological and cultural influences on and of imagery that have an impact upon the lived lives of those represented – have been my guiding influence. The Social Model of disability theory has been used as my primary methodological framework and analytical approach. In the introduction I provide an outline of Disability Theory — i.e., the Medical Model and the Social Model of disability – and define the theoretical framework within which the thesis has been written to make the thesis comprehensible in the wider context of the social construction of ‘disability’. In the literature review of disability imagery writing (Chapter One), I include writing that is journalistic rather than academic to redress the general scarcity of writing on disabling images. In this thesis, the cinematic techniques that construct impairment as disability, i.e., pathologise impairment as Other(ness), are identified. I explore three specific areas of cinema and culture in Chapters Two, Three and Four of the thesis: the use, or non-use, of stereotypes; the representation of the family in relation to disability, and finally, the use of the abnormal body to pathologise impairment.
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