This RRTC identifies, develops, and evaluates models of improved service delivery related to employment and models of best practice in employability enhancement. It identifies, develops, and tests employability interventions and products and conducts training, information dissemination, and technical assistance activities on employability and employment.
The following are priority areas:
(1) a collaborative model to promote comprehensive and coordinated community-based employability services for people with disabilities, (2) career awareness and exploration services for youth with disabilities,
(3) community-based employment and planning strategies for people with severe disabilities, (4) empowerment skills and services emphasizing consumer choice and advocacy, (5) new and emerging technology for improving vocational rehabilitation services, and (6) establishment of an information and technical assistance center in employment enhancement.
Fundación Niemann Pick de España
La Fundacion Niemann Pick de España fue constituida ante notario el 30 de Marzo de 2001, en la ciudad de Lérida. Está inscrita en el