Experts Advice on Cystic Fibrosis


The main aim is to build a model of a "European Centres of Reference Network for Cystic Fibrosis" (ECORN-CF). Patients, doctors, as well as other care team members should have easy access to expert knowledge and advice for cystic fibrosis.

All collaborating partner-countries provide expert advice to their patients and care team members in their mother language on a local website. After translation of questions and answers in English they are published on a central website with open access for everybody who is interested in the topic. Thus there will be a transfer of knowledge and expertise throughout Europe to guarantee the same level of expert advice in all partner countries and to avoid long travelling to the next CF-centre.

Furthermore the program will help to extract data on deficits in existing guidelines or lack of evidence based guidelines and to find a European Consensus for care of CF-patients where it is necessary. Quality assurance measures should raise levels of expertise towards the highest levels in Europe.

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