Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities. University of North Carolina

SID > Formación, Investigación y Evaluación > Investigación e Innovación > Centros y Grupos de Investigación > Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities. University of North Carolina


The Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities (CIDD) is pleased to announce the appointment of Rebecca Edmondson Pretzel, PhD as the new Associate Director of the Institute. Dr. Pretzel is a psychologist and Associate Professor of Psychiatry. At the CIDD, she serves as the Associate Director of our federally-funded University Center of Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) program, Director of Clinical Services, and Psychology Section Head. In addition, she is an investigator on a variety of research and training grants and supervises numerous graduate students and junior faculty. Through her longstanding experience working with many N.C. service agencies (e.g., the Department of Public Instruction, Early Intervention Branch and Division of MH/DD/SAS), Dr. Pretzel has played an important role in raising the level of care for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families in the state.

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Carrboro, NC 27510




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