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Identification of, and responsiveness to, the communicative attempts of children with developmental delays’ is essential to developing intentional, symbolic communication. The current study was a replication of Keen, Sigafoos, and Woodyatt’s 2005 study titled Teacher Responses to the Communicative Attempts of Children With Autism, with modifications to the participants used in the study. The Inventory […]


In motion control applications where the desired trajectory velocity exceeds an actuator’s maximum velocity limitations, large position errors will occur between the desired and actual trajectory responses. In these situations standard control approaches cannot predict the output saturation of the actuator and thus the associated error summation cannot be minimised. An adaptive feedforward control solution […]


Computer networks and especially the Internet have significantly influenced the diffusion of online games through remote opponents. However, the usual interfaces for board games are based on the visual channel. For example, they require players to check their moves on a video display and to interact using pointing devices, e.g., a mouse. Hence, they are […]


The vestibular functions and gross motor developments were assessed in 4 children with congenitally severe deaf and severe blind. In all cases, the gross motor development was found to be delayed more further than that in the cases with congenital hearing impairment alone. Careful treatment and planning for rehabilitation with cochlear implant are needed in […]


This document presents the Assessment of Deafblind Access to Manual Language Systems (ADAMLS), a resource for educational teams who are responsible for developing appropriate adaptations and strategies for children who are deafblind who are candidates for learning manual language systems. The assessment tool should be used for all children with a dual vision and hearing […]


This publication presents several projects that support children who are deaf-blind. These projects are: (1) Learning To Learn; (2) Project SALUTE; (3) Project SPARKLE; (4) Bringing It All Back Home; (5) Project PRIIDE; and (6) Including Students With Deafblindness In Large Scale Assessment Systems. Each project lists components, key practices, and products Resumen realizado por […]


This monograph has assembled together student and parent biblioesssays, position papers and reflective commentary from professionals who work with deafblind students. For the students profiled in this monograph, like many deafblind students, access to academic achievement was often met with obstacles due to low expectations, inadequate support services and misgivings concerning the ambiguous characterization of […]


Persons with deafblindness experience difficulties in daily life and they experience service to sometimes barrier. The overall aim of this thesis is therefore to discover, evaluate and explain: 1. mechanisms that might have impact on participation restrictions for people who have visual and hearing impairment i.e. deafblindness and 2. mechanisms that might barrier service to […]