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AbstractThe figure of the sexual assistant is increasingly demanded as a right in the disabilities field. This figure requires debate, adaptation to the characteristics of countries and cultures, as well as to the characteristics of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This study presents the work carried out with representatives of Spanish organizations of people […]


Las microagresiones, como expresión de discriminación dirigida hacia personas con discapacidad, son un fenómeno social que cuenta con escasa atención en nuestro entorno. El presente trabajo supone una aproximación cuantitativa hacia la expe-riencia de microagresiones capacitistas, atendiendo tanto a su frecuencia como a la diversidad de sus manifestaciones. Presentamos los resultados obtenidos, bajo método de […]


There is very little knowledge regarding autistic adult services, practices, and delivery. The study objective was to improve understanding of current services and practices for autistic adults and opportunities for improvement as part of the Autism Spectrum Disorder in the European Union (ASDEU) project. Separate survey versions were created for autistic adults, carers of autistic […]


Assistive technology (AT) is any device, software, or equipment designed for and used by individuals with disabilities to engage in everyday activities and achieve independence. However, the usefulness of those technology-based or supported treatments is a complex issue that has led to the development of various conceptual models for assistive technology outcomes research and practice […]