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<p class=»RESUMENCURSIVA»>El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el efecto que produce el uso del Software Educativo en alumnos de 6 a 12 años con Necesidades Educativas Especiales (NEE). Como metodología se utilizó el Meta-análisis, que permitió integrar cuantitativamente los resultados de las investigaciones primarias del problema planteado de forma objetiva y sistemática, para lo […]
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…AbstractThis is a comparative analysis of everyday executive functioning between individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders (SSD) and controls using Dysexecutive Questionnaire-Spanish (DEX-Sp), to identify patterns of difficulties. Also we assessed the relationship between EF and adaptive behavior as measured by the Vineland Adaptive Behavioral Scale-II. Common areas of everyday executive functions […]
…La demencia es una condición de salud progresiva, que afecta a un número creciente de personas, caracterizada por el deterioro cognitivo y por la presencia de síntomas neuropsiquiátricos que limitan las actividades de la vida diaria y disminuyen la calidad de vida de la persona. Esta revisión sistemática tiene como objetivo analizar las investigaciones relacionadas […]
…University students are expected to have the appropriate digital competence to face the demands of the changing educational model and to meet the challenges of the future work. This paper describes university students’ perceptions of digital competence and analyzes the impact of personal factors on digital competence in a sample of 5164 students from all […]
…Learning approaches are factors that contribute to sustainability education. Academic stress negatively affects students’ performances in the context of sustainability teaching. This study analyzed how deep and surface approaches could be related to coping with academic stress and gender. An online survey was completed by 1012 university students. The relationship between gender, sources of stress […]
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