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INTRODUCCIÓN. Un planteamiento inclusivo de la educación y el fomento de los programas bilingües constituyen, en la actualidad, dos retos importantes para nuestro sistema educativo. Las investigaciones existentes en España sobre la inclusión del alumnado con necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo (NEAE) abordan el tema de manera tangencial, como uno de los aspectos a analizar […]
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…Background Mobile phones allow us to stay connected with others and provide us a sense of security. We can work, chat with family and friends, take pictures, buy clothes or books, and even control home appliances. They play such a significant role in our lives that we feel anxious without them. In some cases, the […]
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…Abstract The evidence of the interrelationships between adult attachment, conflict resolution style and relationship quality in couple relationships shows some inconsistencies and it is mostly based on English-speaking adult samples, as well as on individuals’ rather than on both couple members’ reports. Therefore, the aim was to examine the associations between adult attachment, conflict resolution […]
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