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Abstract The purpose of this article is to move the field of intellectual and closely related developmental disabilities (IDD) towards a better understanding of evidence and evidence-based practices. To that end, we discuss (a) different perspectives on and levels of evidence, (b) commonly used evidence-gathering strategies, (c) standards to evaluate evidence, (d) the distinction between […]


The list of indicators is a form of training material used for the Supports Intensity Scale—Children’s version (SIS-C). It is aimed at helping interviewers distinguishing between extraordinary and age-related typical support needs in children with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) when implementing the SIS-C, and thus improve supports planning. The aim of this study is […]


INTRODUCCIÓN. Un planteamiento inclusivo de la educación y el fomento de los programas bilingües constituyen, en la actualidad, dos retos importantes para nuestro sistema educativo. Las investigaciones existentes en España sobre la inclusión del alumnado con necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo (NEAE) abordan el tema de manera tangencial, como uno de los aspectos a analizar […]