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People with intellectual disability (ID) and extensive support needs experience poorer quality of life than their peers whose disability is not as severe. Many of them live in residential settings that limit community participation and prevent them from exercising control over their lives. This work analyzes the extent to which professional practices are aimed at […]


Marriage is an appreciated worldwide institution, although nearly half of first marriages end in divorce. Thus, the relevance of understanding how people choose their partners and what features can predict a satisfactory relationship. More specifically, in search of data supporting similarity or complementarity approaches on marital satisfaction, the current study analyzes the association between different assortative mating options […]


During the present decade a large body of research has employed confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to evaluate the factor structure of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) across multiple languages and cultures. However, because CFA can produce strongly biased estimations when the population cross-loadings differ meaningfully from zero, it may not be the most appropriate […]


Nuestro mundo se ha visto transformado por el coronavirus y la infección que provoca. La gravedad de la enfermedad y las consecuencias del estado de alarma no afectan a todos por igual, siendo las personas con discapacidad intelectual y del desarrollo uno de los colectivos más vulnerables. El INICO y Plena inclusión realizaron un estudio […]